Types of Hackers


In this article, we will learn about different types of Hackers. While talking about hackers, most people think of them as cyber-criminal. Hackers are not Cyber-criminals. The media is responsible for portraying the term Hacker negatively. The media has projected hackers to be cyber-criminal who damage systems or networks after breaking into them, create and spread viruses, and a lot more.

Hackers are computer geeks who know almost everything about computers. They know everything about the way Computer Hardware, Software, or Application works to find out the way to make an impossible task possible.

The term ‘Crackers’ defines those people who use their knowledge for bad intentions which cause harm.

Now it is up to Hackers, how they use their knowledge? There is a very thin line between hackers and crackers. Based on the intention Hackers and Crackers are defined with different names. In the following section, let’s learn about different types of Hackers.

Different types of Hackers

Hackers mainly can be categorized into three different categories:

Black Hat Hackers

Black Hat Hackers are the Bad guys, also known as crackers or Unethical hackers, who use their extraordinary computing skills for malicious or illegal purposes. These types of hackers are often involved in criminal activities. They look for organizational week security, discover vulnerabilities in systems and networks, and exploit them to steal information for financial gain or for any other malicious purposes.

White Hat Hackers

White Hat Hackers are the good guys, also known as Penetration Tester or Ethical Hackers, who use their knowledge and hacking skills for defense purposes. They use the same skills as Black Hat hackers to find the vulnerabilities in systems and networks. The intention is not to exploit, but to fix them. So that system and network can be protected.

Grey Hat Hackers

Grey Hat Hackers are individuals who work both offensively like Black Hat Hacker and Defensively like White Hat Hacker at various times. In shorts, they fall in between the white hat hackers and black hat hackers. Grey Hat hackers unethically find the vulnerabilities in a system or network. Upon successful penetrate, they might help hackers with vulnerabilities and at the same time help the vendors to improve products by checking the limitation.

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