Star Topology – Advantages And Disadvantages of a Star Topology


Although it is called Star Topology (Also known as Star Network ), it also looks like a spoke of a bicycle wheel connecting to the hub in the middle of the wheel extending outward to connect to the rim. In Star Topology, the central device re-sends the message either to all computers (if in a broadcast star network) or only to the destination computer (if in a switched star network).

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How to upgrade Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager Step by Step with Screenshot

Upgrade Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager-Click Next-Ofbit

In this article, we will learn how to upgrade Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. If you are thinking about the upgrade, you should have a solid understanding of your network topology and create a well-organized plan to maximize the protection of your network during the upgrade. Best practices involve the following steps:
Step 1: Create an upgrade plan
Step 2: Back up and prepare for disaster recovery (critical)

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